Wouldn’t it be awesome if every person you hired was a superhero? Employee superheroes do exist, but they’re not always easy to spot. By unmasking these talented employee superheroes, via employee evaluations, you can build your own Justice League to take control of your next high-profile project.
Top 5 Employee Superheroes Who Can Save Your Day
What kind of employee superheroes could you unmask in the process? Here are five such employee superheroes that will make your business able to fight any challenge and remain invincible in the marketplace:
1. Superman – This may be an employee who, like Clark Kent, is unnoticeable most of the time. They keep their head down, do their work, and make a great teammate. However, their true employee superpowers come up when there is an emergency, like a work deadline. Then, they rise to the challenge, putting in a superhuman effort and bringing unique talents to the job at hand.
2. Spider-Man – This individual is agile in the extreme. They will see projects like high-rise buildings that they catapult between in order to get their work done. They can do many functions of the business, all with equal agility. They’re like having three employees in one.
3. Aquaman – When situations get sticky or wet, Aquaman is the person to call. This individual can go into projects that seem politically daunting and swim through them like a dolphin. He communicates by sending out feelers to different, needed, departmental functions (where he has allies) that will bring the right type of support to the project right in the nick of time. He has excellent communication skills and a vast network of friends.
4. Batman – While not genetically gifted with employee superpowers, this individual is a super-user of technology. He comes with a ton of entrepreneurial ideas and isn’t afraid to put them into action. Some of his ideas may seem wacky, but they will be proven to work over time. This employee superhero is shy about publicity and doesn’t mind working in the background.
5. The Hulk – When you just need an employee super hero to break down the walls through sheer brute strength and dominating will power, the Hulk is the one to call. Employee superheroes who identify as the Hulk may only call upon their strength and leadership capabilities during times of crisis, making them hard to spot in day-to-day operations. However, they can be an awesome teammate, too, and lead by inspiring people to action.
To get an accurate view of which employee superheroes might be hiding undercover, your company needs to talk to many eyewitnesses to discover their true nature. By using
360 degree evaluations, you won’t just be relying on a supervisor’s input, but instead can get the real picture from Jimmy, the amateur photographer who works in the mail room, or from this person’s work teammates who have seen them in action. Unmask your superheroes before you need them, by clicking here.