360 Degree Employee Assessment

360 Degree Employee Assessment Software 

& Tools for Human Resource Professionals

Discover More With 360 Degree Employee Assessment Software

Do you know if your staff is underperforming? Do you know why?

Many companies struggle to assess their employees, missing the chance to find actionable insights that can help them today.

360 Degree assessment tools create a better understanding of your staff by gathering information from those who interact with the employee, like:
  • Coworkers
  • Superiors
  • Subordinates
  • and even customers
Instead of using a single opinion from a supervisor or manager, you gather multiple points-of-view, helping you cover all the angles.

Going full circle gives you the best possible information. Managers are suddenly able to see an employee through their coworkers’ eyes.

Grapevine helps you:

  • Avoid the headaches of creating your own employee 360 review system
  • Save time and money with a simple plug and play tool
  • Get a measurable ROI through happier and more productive employees

Collecting this information in a secure, anonymous fashion eliminates office politics and other issues that get in the way of genuine feedback.

Grapevine understands the needs of the HR Professional. Our 360 degree employee assessment tool assists you in creating, distributing, managing, and evaluating all stages of the process, easily and efficiently.

And, you can track participation and follow up as needed.

Instead of using pen, paper, spreadsheets or other methods that require a great deal of time from HR professionals, Grapevine employee assessment software collects all the data and presents the metrics with a simple, customizable and effective tool.

Spend more time acting on information and less time collecting it. This allows business owners and HR personnel to focus on adding value to their everyday duties.

Curious why major international businesses such as Pandora and Thomson Reuters rely on Grapevine Evaluations for their employee assessments?

Take a tour, request a demo or give us a call at 1-866-385-1425 to learn more about the solutions available for you and your company.

360 Degree Employee Evaluation Software Assessment 

Grapevine has been the number one choice for effective Employee Evaluations and 360 feedback software for hundreds of companies across North America. Our 360 feedback software makes creating, designing, and implementing surveys easier than ever.

A Complete Cloud-Based Tool

Feedback software means there is no expensive software to download or install.

You don’t need to upgrade your computer systems or purchase additional hard drive storage. Our cloud-based system keeps your company’s information secure, private, and confidential.

● Easy to Navigate

● Simple to Create

● Access Information Quickly and Efficiently

Hundreds of Questions to Choose From

Make your 360 Degree Feedback count with the right questions. Choose from Grapevine’s vast library of questions for instant, ready-made evaluations.  You can also customize your own to ensure you get the exact information your company needs.

●Easily Choose One of Our Preset Evaluation Templates

●Effortlessly Customize Evaluation Questions

●Group questions together by competency and rating

Designed with the HR User in Mind

Grapevine’s 360 Degree Feedback understands the needs of the HR Professional. Our tools assist you in creating, distributing, managing, and evaluating all stages of the HR survey process, easily, and efficiently.

You can also track survey participation and follow-up as needed.

●Ability to roll the survey out in phases or groups

●Group questions together by competency items

●Track Responses and Follow-up with non-responsive

Simple Yet Comprehensive Reporting

Grapevine’s 360 Degree Feedback makes reporting easy. Options range from individualized, concise reporting to more broad and expansive findings, which are viewable to all or to only a select few. Plus, your company can see answers in real-time, which keeps you ahead of the game.

●Easily see answers in “real-time” format

●Create individual, department, and company employee reports

●Report comparison of individual to company or department averages

●Link questions to competency items for report averaging

●Control report distribution

Fully Customizable With Your Company's Logo, Messaging, and Information

With Grapevine’s 360 Degree Feedback, you have over 40 different skins and options to choose if you want to customize your survey. Upload your logo for a more professional look and coordinate the survey’s colors and themes to match your company’s brand.

You can also use the 360 Degree Feedback tool to create unique introductory and thank you messages.

● Custom Skins and Branding

● Easily Upload Your Company's Logo

● Customized Introductions and Thank You Message

What is 360 Degree Feedback?

It is a method and tool that provides each employee the opportunity to receive performance feedback from their supervisor and a group of peers, direct reports, coworkers and even customers internal or external can participate.  Most 360 degree feedback tools are also responded to by each individual in a self assessment.

360 degree feedback allows each individual to understand how their effectiveness as an employee, coworker, or staff member is viewed by others. The most effective 360 degree feedback processes provide feedback that is based on behaviors that other employees can see.

How Does it Work?

The feedback provides insight about the skills and behaviors desired in the organization to accomplish the mission, vision, and goals and live the values. The feedback is firmly planted in behaviors needed to exceed customer expectations.

People who are chosen as raters, usually choices shared by the organization and employee, generally interact routinely with the person receiving feedback.

The Purpose

The purpose of the 360 degree feedback is to assist each individual to understand his or her strengths and weaknesses, and to contribute insights into aspects of his or her work needing professional development. 

What is 360 Degree Feedback?

It is a method and tool that provides each employee the opportunity to receive performance feedback from their supervisor and a group of peers, direct reports, coworkers and even customers internal or external can participate.  Most 360 degree feedback tools are also responded to by each individual in a self assessment.

360 degree feedback allows each individual to understand how their effectiveness as an employee, coworker, or staff member is viewed by others. The most effective 360 degree feedback processes provide feedback that is based on behaviors that other employees can see.

Establishing Company Norms

Every company and industry have their own culture and thus norms are different for different companies and industries. Benchmarking with the norms within the company helps managers to evaluate their own performance in comparison to others. Only one group of norms should be represented that is, either the employee or the managers.

It is because the recipients do not get immersed with the data and hence can focus on the relevant details.

How To Make 360 Assessment Work For Your Company

There are three steps of using this system, firstly it should fit into the organization, secondly it should be psychometrically acceptable and thirdly it should be used with utmost care. 

Employee participation should be increased gradually, and they should be encouraged for participation. If the environment is team oriented, then multiple source feedback can work progressively in the organizations. 

This feedback not only gives a clear idea about the system’s construction to the employees and higher authorities, but it also helps the staff members to come up with more constructive ideas.

Introducing Feedback Systems To Your Employees

In order to ensure that whether the 360 feedback system is working aptly or not, organizations should conduct an information campaign where the benefits and other important outlines of the process should be highlighted. 

The employees should be trained and encouraged to provide accurate ratings so as to have a better system. So, if you also wish your 360 feedback system to work successfully, then make sure that you keep these guidelines in mind.

How to Reap the Benefits?

The main benefit of 360 feedback is that it provides a clear vision to the employees about their abilities and what other employees perceive them. In this way, the business owners can improve the weak things in the company and weak points in an employee. 

The main advantage is that it provides independent feedback from the employees. It not only helps in the improvement of an organization but also increases the team communication. It also provides a clear vision to the employees about the future prospects.

360 degree feedback is also beneficial for the leaders or managers as it provides a clear vision to them about their abilities and how others perceive them. The feedback is highly confidential and they can easily participate in it, if they wish to.

It can work in almost all types of working environments. It is very easy to use and you can handle it without any operational help. This software is available either online or offline and one can purchase it by contacting the company owners. This software is very beneficial for the training and recruitment of new employees. 

When you purchase a product, there are many things that you observe during the transactions. These observed details give you better ideas that can help the service provider to improve business quality. 

Every service provider, every business, and every product company needs proper feedback. This feedback can help the company know exactly what its customers think. Refining the negative and improving the positive can be only done if someone comes and shows the negatives and positives.

Workers need feedback to clarify that they are doing their work effectively and honestly. 360 feedback assessment tools are one of the best ways to find out the effectiveness of the employee in the company. 

People around the employee are the main participants in making this feedback. The subordinates, supervisors and peers are the main people giving feedback who are always around a specified employee.

Curious why major international businesses such as Pandora and Thomson Reuters rely on Grapevine Evaluations for their employee assessments?

Take a tour, request a demo or give us a call at 1-866-385-1425 to learn more about the solutions available for you and your company.

The 360 feedback system is good to help collect the feedback from other places such as customers, interested stakeholders and suppliers. The feedback from such people can make the whole picture very clear as these are people who have entirely different perspective of looking at the employee.

The results of feedback can be used by the company to improve the processes of training and better environment with the workers and the customers.

There are numerous benefits of 360 degree feedback system and most companies are using this tool to increase efficiency of employees. 

In this system, the managers or supervisors are mainly targeted to get the right information and to increase the strength. 

These types of surveys are used to collect qualitative and quantitative information. It is the best way to assess the performance of employees. With the implementation of 360 degree feedback, the company owners can understand the training needs, behavioral requirements, attitude and required skills. 

I’ve Completed a 360 Evaluation – Now What?

You’ve successfully completed a 360 degree feedback evaluation. You’ve used the system to collect survey data from a wide swath of managers, peers and direct reports. You’ve discovered some useful insights and while it feels like a great start, the question looms – what’s next?

The short answer is – do something about it. Your 360 feedback report delivers a new perspective on perceived communication, business acumen, decision making, integrity, leadership, planning and much more. Using this foundation, the actions you take can create real, lasting change in your workplace.

Here are some tips you can use to make the most out of your 360 evaluation:

Stop and Digest

Information is easier to consume in small portions. Take time to process the information in a way that feels manageable. As an example, you can identify three or four emergent themes and for each one, and assign some initial goals.

Identify Training Opportunities

Your assessment will uncover learning opportunities and blind spots (areas where the self-rated score is higher than the score of other raters). Examine the patterns that emerge across different raters and previous reviews (if available). They’ll nudge toward specific improvements that can be made. Also, consider how these areas align with your values and standards of leadership.

Uncover Hidden Strengths

Occasionally, managers and peers will score an employee higher than they score themselves. The difference may indicate a lack of awareness in terms of perception or value. It’s to your advantage to build confidence in these individuals through new tasks, guidance and encouragement. The boost can bring elevated performance and contagious positivity to your work environment.

Evaluate Processes

Are internal processes working the way they should? What steps could be taken to improve? Start with a problem to solve, aim for an ideal state, and work backwards until you’ve landed on a solution that feels achievable. Don’t shy away from disrupting the status quo. With your 360 evaluation deployed, people have a hunch that some form of change may be coming. Most will be ready to support thoughtful improvements aimed at making their workplace better.

Commit to Change

Dedicate yourself to improvement and accept the fact that it won’t happen overnight. Meaningful, lasting change requires a flexible, long-term vision that can address concerns and foster growth. Use test groups to try out new ideas. Don’t expect to please everyone – focus on improving the average, not the lowest score you find.

Your 360 degree feedback report, in combination with these tips and your own research, will set you down a path toward a thriving future. As always, Grapevine Evaluations will be here to help, every step of the way.

The 4 most common 360 Degree Employee Evaluation Software feedback mistakes

Everyone gets nervous when they open their 360 degree feedback report — even those with thick skin. This is because your peers, managers and even those who you manage have rated your experience, behaviour and skill set. There’s no way of know what will be on the other side of that envelope.

Talk about feedback overload!

We all know feedback can be useful. At its simplest, you take the feedback from people and do more of what they like and less of what they don’t like.

360 degree feedback reports give you a detailed numerical analysis about your strengths and development opportunities. But the analysis is only as good as the information that’s submitted in the first place.

Here is a list of the 4 most common 360 degree feedback mistakes that people make when providing feedback:

Being Nice

If you don’t want to offend someone, then don’t give him or her bad ratings. This will only result in you continuing to get reports late, being missed off distribution lists or being talked over in meetings. Honest feedback is the best gift you can give someone.

If you were in his or her shoes, wouldn’t you want to know where you can improve?

Bland Central

You may be asked to give feedback on someone you don’t know well or deal with infrequently. Avoid giving bland, middle-of-the-road ratings and consider skipping the questions you can’t answer or comment on. This type of feedback isn’t useful for anyone.

Shining Halo

It’s natural for coworkers to become friends simply because they spend so much time together during the day. But, this can put a rosy glow over their feedback. It’s important to focus on each question individually and think about specific work-related examples to justify the ratings you are handing out.

Out for Blood

When you feel the need to draw blood with spiky harsh feedback, think again. Surveys are not always completely anonymous – so it could come back to haunt you. Try to limit yourself to harsh feedback on the one or two behaviours that need to change. It’s even better to address this problem behaviour when it happens rather than waiting until feedback is required.

So the next time your feedback is required, make sure it’s honest and your ratings can be justified with work-related examples.

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