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What Feedback Do Generation Z Want

Make way Millennials, because Gen Z is taking over the workplace, and businesses need to get ready for the largest demographic cohort that is set to start entering the professional workforce in the next few years. In order for companies to prepare for this next generation, they’ll need to start thinking about how to begin adapting their corporate cultures to suit the new kids on the block. Gen Z kids are no fools. They’ve seen the housing and underemployment struggles their older Millennial friends and siblings have been going through for the better part of a decade, and have learned to prioritize stability and security. As such, they’re not afraid of working hard and jumping into solving problems if it means thriving in a company whose culture suits them best. That said, they’ve grown up in a world connected by technology 24/7, and are no strangers to disruptive innovations. Boundaries mean nothing to this generation, and they actively seek out flexible opportunities that allow them to drive their own destiny.

Clearly, Gen Z workers have high expectations, and they will not be held down by tradition. They are quick to adapt, and will have no problem pushing for change if they feel that their expectations are not being met as expected or promised. Companies looking to attract – and retain – this new generation of workers will have to learn how to communicate on their level. This means learning to listen, and learning to respond, as this is a generation that reportedly values happiness and relationship quality higher than careers. Failure to keep pace with their need for feedback and change could mean alienating a significant pool of valuable employees.

Businesses can start warming up their relationships with Gen Z early on by participating in things like career fairs or inviting students to “open houses”. Like their predecessors, Gen Z loves network-building opportunities, and such events can be a great way to help companies get their name out and start learning about the kinds of young workers they’re looking to hire the most. Amazing company culture is particularly attractive to this generation as well, especially since technology makes it easy to see and hear about what advantages competing businesses offer their workers.

Making use of 360 feedback software is one of the most effective ways for companies to get data on their employees’ strengths, needs and wants so that they can enact changes based on the results, allowing them to adapt company culture and other aspects of working life in a timely manner. Allowing Gen Z workers to get feedback from their colleagues, supervisors and subordinates on a regular basis gives them food for thought and shows them that their employer is invested in their personal growth and development. Statistics are secondary to these young workers, who would much rather learn about how to improve their interpersonal and team building skills, rather than having a box ticked off for having met last month’s sales quota.

This is also a generation that seriously knows its technology. Bombarding them with bubble sheets and pen-and-paper reviews is a quick way to get on their blacklist if there’s a better, faster technical alternative. If 360 feedback tools have been rising in popularity, the rise of the Internet and recent technological improvements are definitely big factors, as large amounts of data can now be collected quickly and efficiently at the stroke of a few keys and the click of a button. Give Gen Z the most in-depth feedback you can, making use of the best tools possible, because if somebody else is doing better, they will know – and they will eventually ask for it.

On that note, young workers today want to see that their employers take review results seriously. This is a generation that favours face-to-face interactions when it comes to getting feedback or giving feedback, as they want to be treated with respect and be shown that they can be the voice of change when it comes to taking on company matters that affect their day-to-day life. They value managers who show a willingness to help them to improve their skills and behaviours, and will quickly turn away from platitudes. For instance, employers who leverage review results to help their young employees come up with personal development plans will be viewed with much more respect than companies that attempt to bribe employee loyalty with gimmicky toys whilst ignoring deeper needs and wants.

While all this might seem like a bit much, technology has made it very easy for today’s young workers to be very vocal about their desires – and to see just how green the grass is on the other side. 360 degree feedback will help employers understand what they can do to attract and retain Gen Z employees, allowing them to stay current and to keep their businesses thriving with the best talent they can find.

Now we know what generation Z wants, check out The most common 360 degree feedback mistakes

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