There are so many popular misconceptions when it comes to HR departments, and a lot of the time they get a bad wrap from employees.
We’re going to look at some of the popular responses and misconceptions many employees answer when they’re asked what they think about HR, and what can be done to turn this thing around.
This one’s a given, as usually when employees take on a new role – even if it’s an internal position – there’s always the standard paperwork to fill out, including bank details, references, criminal disclosure checks, that sort of thing. It’s also worth noting that first impressions count for a lot, and many employees’ first impressions will be through a company’s HR department and how they are initially dealt with during their induction to the company.
Rules and Regulations
HR may decide to issue an employee handbook, or a list of rules and regulations that must be followed by staff at all times. This will include all the usual stuff, such as no smoking on the premises, no alcohol, no excessive internet usage, no stealing stationary, if you want stationary see this person… etc. etc. It’s HR’s job to ensure employees are aware of the company rules and the standards that are expected of all employees, and this can usually appear to be a bit of a drag for people who are trying to settle into their new roles.
Training Videos
Have you ever had a lengthy induction by a large company, which involves going to regular training videos? Some of these might include a clip of employee ethics and moral standards, where Jan spontaneously gets a shoulder massage from Roy in Accounts, and you’re then asked whether this is acceptable behaviour in the workplace? And of course, there’s the health and safety training and/or workshops to look forward to. Sometimes these videos can be deemed disruptive and a bit of an annoyance. Saying that, proper training is essential and it’s up to HR to make sure you know what to do in the event of a fire or sexual harassment in the workplace – so, there’s that.
Paycheck or Other Complications
Another common one is having trouble with your paychecks – usually, if an employee says they have to speak to HR, it’s not a pleasant phone call as there’s generally something wrong. Some of the more serious examples may be a warning about their behaviour, or an interview regarding another work-related matter.
How to Turn it Around
Are you ready to find out what your employees really think about your HR department? A great way of getting to the heart of the matter is via
360 feedback evaluations, which can be customized to allow you to ask any question you like to as many employees, and find out the honest answers that will allow your company to improve. These programs can be tailored to different departments, managers and teams, and can help with organisation AND individual development. Contact us for a quote today.