Do you know how your employees really feel about the employee review process? Chances are, you probably don’t. You’re most likely blissfully unaware of what your workforce is saying about
employee evaluations
behind your back. Read on to learn why employees hate reviews, and how you can change their opinion.
Employee Thoughts on the Review Process: “Pointless, Meaningless, Irrelevant”
Since 2011, workplace recognition solution provider Globoforce has been carrying out a semi-annual survey of workers to gauge how they feel about their jobs. The results of the Summer 2013 study were notable because they highlighted a growing discontent with the employee review process.
Some survey respondents said about the evaluation system was that it was “pointless,” “meaningless,” and that the outcomes were “irrelevant.”
Why Do Employees Hate Getting Reviews?
You’re most likely wondering, “Why would employees hate the evaluation process so much? It’s a great way for them to get feedback on their performance.”
The problem is that employees don’t see the review system in that light at all. According to the Globoforce survey, over half of all employees don’t believe their assessments are accurate. Another 63% said that evaluations aren’t a true indicator of performance. Forty percent feel as though the reviews only represent one person’s opinion – that of the boss. And 22% said that evaluations don’t take past work into account.
If the survey results above don’t make managers take notice, this statistic should: employees who see assessment results as inaccurate are twice as likely to leave the company.
How Can Managers Change the Process?
It’s tempting to wring your hands and say, “I don’t know what to do to make employees find the review process enjoyable.” Instead of fretting, take action.
The Globoforce survey provides a blueprint for how to improve employee evaluations. Respondents were clear about what they want out of an assessment: 70% want help to grow and develop professionally, 22% want to comply with regulations and 8% need assistance to correct their problems.
Employees also want feedback more frequently. Nearly three-quarters of respondents would like an evaluation ASAP, while 23% want assessments on a weekly basis.
And workers know what will motivate them. Ninety percent of those surveyed said positive feedback would inspire them to do a better job.
Grapevine Evaluations: Improving the Evaluation Process
Do you want to make your employee assessment process better? Contact Grapevine Evaluations today. Grapevine Evaluations are trusted by such companies as Pandora, Macy’s, and Thomson Reuters.