Are you interested in implementing 360 degree employee review software, but are worried that it will be too expensive for your company? That doesn’t have to be the case. You can find cost-effective 360 review software that meets the needs of your company – read on to learn more about how pricing for this software works.
Determining Costs
In order to understand how much 360 assessment software costs, it’s important to keep a few things in mind. Knowing the following information will make the process of determining costs simpler.
Firstly, the vast majority of 360 evaluation software has moved into the cloud. That means that the program is no longer stored on one person’s computer. Instead, it “lives” on a computer in a data center, which could be located in another country. You access the software by going onto a secure website.
Secondly, some industries have specialized software for the 360 performance review process. These programs will be more expensive because they’re made for a small audience.
A third point to consider is whether you’re going to purchase an off-the-shelf solution or a customized product designed just for you. The term “off-the-shelf” refers to buying software that hasn’t been modified for your specific needs. Off-the-shelf software is less expensive, and you might find that you don’t need a customized solution.
Pricing Models
There are three very common pricing models for 360 evaluation software. There are a few software companies that price their products differently, but they’re the exception rather than the rule.
The pay-per-user model is just what it sounds like: your business pays the software firm a monthly fee for each user registered on the system. This model frequently includes a setup fee. Be aware that training or customer support might not be included in the price. You can expect to pay $3 to $10 per user, and setup fees range from $800 to $1500.
Another model is known as pay-per-employee. The difference between pay-per-user and pay-per-employee is that you pay for all of the employees at your business, regardless of whether they use the software. The cost per employee can range from $1.50 to $5. There’s a possibility you might pay for setup fees, support or training.
The third model is pay-per-appraisal. Usually, you’ll pay once for an individual employee or you’ll purchase a set of employee evaluations. Software providers who use this model generally don’t charge setup fees, and the price per evaluation is cheaper when you have a large number of employees.
Grapevine Evaluations: A Cost-Effective 360 Review Solution
Are you looking for an affordable and reliable 360 assessment software solution? Contact Grapevine Evaluations today. Grapevine Evaluations are trusted by such companies as Pandora, Macy’s, and Thomson Reuters.