Stick to Goals
Gain perspective on what goals look like at ground level. While any review will track progress toward business objectives, the 360 Degree Employee Evaluation Software approach is comprehensive, uncovering the nuts and bolts of exactly how relevant short and long-term goals are being tackled.
Identify Strengths and Improvement Areas
There’s substantial value in knowing oneself. 360 degree assessment allows you to uncover blind spots and make informed, transparent suggestions for behavioural improvement. Checking in periodically to acknowledge wins and set clear improvement goals builds better relationships and places more accountability back in your employee’s hands.
Catch Issues Before They Become Problems
Every company deals with challenges. Miscommunication, scope changes, and other common issues inevitably pop up from time to time between stakeholders, clients, managers and direct reports. 360 feedback allows you to be proactive – catching problems quicker, uncovering the right solution and moving on before small issues become large ones.
Avoid Blame and Defensiveness
Relationships make all the difference on a small team. With the option to keep reviews anonymous, you can shift the conversation from “who did what” to “how do we find a solution”. Over time, this contributes to a positive work environment and employees that are less likely to go on the defensive when issues arise.
Retain and Develop Talent
Plan for a future that accounts for talent growth. As a development tool, 360 interviews give employees a starting point for new skills and actions. Over time, this can help bridge the gap between where they are, where they want to be, and how it aligns to your business. With a plan to grow together, employees are reassured that your company has their best interest in mind.
A well-structured properly implemented 360 review program provides a competitive edge regardless of your industry. While time and resourcing can be significant restraints, we can offset these barriers with tools that can easily be integrated with your existing performance review processes.
Don’t miss an opportunity for your business to be more productive, better aligned, and better equipped to take on ambitious new tasks. Contact us, get a free trial of our 360 degree feedback and performance review software now and decide if it’s right for your small business.
Grapevine provides an online 360-degree feedback employee evaluation software tool that makes it easy to perform a 360-degree evaluation, employee performance evaluation, employee assessment and employee performance review all using our online multi rater employee evaluation software survey system.
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