Q: How did you find out about the Grapevine Evaluations Scholarship?
A: I found it by searching for scholarships online.
Q: How did this scholarship influenced/affected your life? What role did it play in your life?
A: The scholarship helped to reduce the stress of being a student. I was able to concentrate on my studies instead of stressing so much about finances. I really appreciate it.
Q: What was your scholarship spent on?
A: The scholarship went towards tuition costs and school fees (like workshop fees and books)
Q: What are the three things you love about your university/program so far? Why?
A: I like learning how to tell stories in different mediums and platforms, because this expands my skill sets and ability to reach different people in multiple ways. I like gaining practical experience because this increases my confidence in my new abilities and allows me to build a portfolio. I also like meeting all sorts of people already in the field to make contacts with, and to gain some understanding of what life after journalism school will be like.
Q: What does your dream workplace look like?
A: My dream workplace encourages creativity and co-operation among employees. It offers many ways for employees to increase skills, knowledge and to continually grow, and not just for the sake of the company. Employees are considered an integral aspect of the company and are valued and consulted rather than ‘kept in the dark’ about important issues. Trust and growth are encouraged and fostered. I hope to work in a position that allows me to work outside much of the time.
Q: What is your biggest motivation at school/work?
A: My biggest motivator at school is knowing that in April I’ll be finished, and I will need to start using what I’ve learned to make a living. Because of this, I work hard to learn as much as possible.
Q: Can you think of a way companies can evaluate their employees’ performance better?
I guess this question depends on what you are evaluating for. If you are evaluating to see how good the employee is at their job, I would ask them to negotiate a simulation of an out of the ordinary scenario, or a simulation of them taking control during a theoretical serious problem and/or breakdown of the chain of management. You will then be able to see how well they know the position, gain insight in to how they think while working, how prepared they are for trouble and any leadership potential.
Q: If you were to ask your team members only one question to be able to understand their performance on a project, what would you ask them and why?
Before the project begins, I would ask team members what they have to gain or lose by doing the project to gauge how much it’s worth to them, to see what they are willing to invest and how much they will contribute.
Q: What are the three qualities that your ideal boss/manager should have? Why?
The most important qualities of a manager are- Maintaining an environment without favourtism, an ability to truly listen to employees, and trusting employees rather than micromanaging.