As a manager or supervisor, it’s not your job to keep your workers happy all the time. It is your responsibility, however, to make sure that their complaining doesn’t get in the way of productivity.
If you happen to have one or more workers who sit on the complaining fence all day, here are three helpful tips you need to start following.
Use a Feedback System
360 degree feedback system
requires all workers to complete anonymous surveys. This enables them to provide the most truthful feedback possible. Each employee is able to voice his or her opinion without feeling as if it will hurt someone else’s feelings. The feedback is meant to apply to coworkers, supervisors, company owners and any other staff members. Being that all workers have a chance to voice their opinions, this is an effective way to stop employees from complaining.
In order for the complaining to actually stop, though, you need to listen and respond to the feedback. Take for example that 15 out of 20 of your workers state Mark is causing lots of aggravation to them. In response, you would need to pull Mark to the side and let him know that things are going to have to change or you’ll have to let him go.
Lead By Example
The number one thing you can do to stop employees from complaining is leading by example. If you complain, they’ll be likely to complain. On the other hand, if you come in with a chipper attitude, then they’ll be much more tempted to follow your footsteps.
Be Fair
If you’re not fair with your employees, they’re going to complain. This doesn’t mean you have to give into everything that they ask for, but respect goes a long way. If they complain about not having long enough breaks, then come up with some type of compromise.
For example, if they want an extra 10-minute break each day, tell them that’s perfectly fine. But in order to receive it, they must show up or stay after 10 minutes each day. Also, let them know the break will be unpaid.
Another way to be fair with your workers is to provide them with a reasonable amount of time off.
If you make them work six days a week every week, this is going to stress them out and cause them to be tired. This will likely lead to lots of complaining, not to mention poor productivity. By giving each of them two to three extra days off each month, this is an effective way to stop employees from complaining. To fill in the spots when these workers are off, consider hiring part-time workers.